Washington State Chapter of NAPNAP

ARNPs United Lobby Day, January 20th

Posted about 3 years ago by Bethany Dugan

Please join your advocacy team to support ARNPs United of Washington State Lobby Day on Jan 20th, 2022

We look forward to hearing from Representative Eileen Cody, Chair of the Washington State House Health Care and Wellness Committee, and Molly Voris, Senior Health Policy Advisor to Governor Inslee. Join us in thanking Dr. Ben Danielson, MD, child and patient advocate, for his courageous work towards equity and racial justice in our health care system as well as his wonderfully supportive OpEd for our legislation in the Seattle Times. Louise Kaplan, chair of the ARNPs United Legislative Committee and Lobbyist Devon Connor-Green will provide the latest updates on SB 5222, Same Reimbursement for the Same Service and what each of us can do to support ARNPs legislative goals.


7:00-7:15  Linda van Hoff -Introductions and summary of current ARNPs United affairs
7:15-7:35  Keynote by Representative Eileen Cody
7:35-7: 45  Q and A with Representative Cody
7:45 -8:00 Extraordinary Advocate Award - Ben Danielson, MD
8:00 - 8:20  Keynote with Molly Voris, senior health advisor to Governor Jay Inslee
8:20 - 8:35 Q and A with Molly Voris
8:35- 8:50 Legislative summary