Washington State Chapter of NAPNAP

Welcome and upcoming elections!

Posted about 11 years ago by Karen Kilian

Welcome to the newest members of our WA NAPNAP website!  We're up to 106 "followers" now, not all Washington State members, as we have some "follower's from around the country.  Encourage your fellow WA NAPNAP members to join up on this website as this is how we will be sending out email blasts and information about upcoming events and such. 

The Winter 2013 Newsletter is now uploaded; only WA NAPNAP members are allowed into that section.  There are new jobs posted (all followers can see those), and there are applications for Distinguished Member Award and Special Project Award.  All CE events are posted for everyone to check out as well and are not only WA NAPNAP but other events as well.  If you have something you want to post, click on the "contact us" and send an email. 

Nominations will be coming up soon for the 2013-2014 year of WA NAPNAP officers.  We will have President-Elect, Treasurer and CE Co-Chair offices open.  It's a lot of fun, great to be involved with your local NAPNAP Chapter, doesn't take a ton of time and is great for your resume!  Think about joining us on the WA NAPNAP Board...we'd love to have you!!!!  Even folks not in Seattle can run for office, certainly it is a bit more challenging in terms of meetings, but now with SKYPE technology...anything is possible!